Conquest Boys Prepare Appreciation Dinner for Priests

By Michael Jacobeen

CQ15-1Great Falls, VA. The scene was quite striking: eleven boys all dressed in dark pants and white shirts were all attentively serving a group of six priests.

The boys were Conquest members from Great Falls, VA, and they had organized a dinner for priests as a special “thank you” during the year for priests. The dinner took place at St. Catherine of Siena Church, the group’s meeting place, and in attendance was Fr. Alexander Drummond, the pastor, as well as five other priests who occasionally help out at the parish.CQ15-2

As the priests arrived, the boys greeted them on the patio, offering them drinks and appetizers. While the priests socialized, some of the boys began to prepare the main course, a “surf and turf” menu of filet mignon and crab cakes. Once the priests sat down for dinner, the boys waited on them, refilling water glasses and offering seconds. After dinner, the boys served dessert and coffee and then set to work cleaning up while the priests conversed with each other. The evening proved to be an enjoyable one for the priests and also for the boys.

Fourteen-year-old Conquest member Paul Long said, “I thought it was very nice and I think the priests really enjoyed themselves. They serve us so much, giving us the sacraments and everything, and this was just our turn to serve them.”

Michael Jacobeen, the Conquest leader, added, “I was impressed by how the boys were focused on serving the priests. They did a great job and I could tell that the priests were grateful and truly enjoyed themselves.”

7This apostolic service project is so good, look for it as an official Conquest service project next year in the Team Leader guidebooks!