Conquest Lenten Retreat

Story by Fr. Michael Picard



Here in Dallas we began this Lenten season with a retreat.  The focus was discovering the true value of sacrifice and how it can help us to combat sin in our life.  Lent is not a time just to go through the motions, giving up things and saying a few extra prayers and that is it, It is a time for forming good habits and growing in true conversion.  There where just over 20 middle school boys and about 8 High School leaders who participated in the full weekend retreat and then on Sunday had a second track of 21 boys 8-11.

Some of the Highlights of the retreat was the participation in the Sedar meal and Eucharistic procession to the agony in the Garden.  We also had three High School leaders give talks on different aspects of Sacrifice and a personal testimony of a young man who at an early age was addicted to drugs and his conversion of finding God in His life.  The Boys as well enjoyed a round of paintball in the woods.