Official ECYD Programs

ECYD stands for: Encounters, Convictions, and your Decisions. ECYD is Regnum Christi’s youth organization and is an international Catholic association of adolescents who make a pledge of friendship with Christ and with each other to build up a new world according to the Gospel.
ECYD offers various programs around the world including the Challenge and Conquest programs in the United States and Canada. Challenge and Conquest are ECYD programs that help in the formation of adolescents as Christian leaders to transform culture. Challenge and Conquest can become platforms for young people to get to know ECYD and to live out elements of ECYD life as a way of living out their Christian faith.
ECYD Products can enrich your Challenge and Conquest programs by helping your members to form a deeper relationship with Christ.
ECYD Pledge
ECYD Pledge of Friendship with Christ is an adolescent’s free and personal response to Christ’s invitation to be his friend and collaborate with him in his mission. The ECYD Pledge of Friendship with Christ can be a powerful personal experience of one’s Catholic faith. Through the pledge of friendship with Christ in ECYD, an adolescent becomes a member of ECYD. That is why we think it is worthy of a simple ceremony.
ECYD Pledge Ceremony can be led by the ECYD Director or someone designated by him or her. Family members and friends are welcome to attend. It should take place in a location that helps foster prayer, preferably in a church or chapel in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament. It can be done at the end of a retreat, camp or at some time during the year.
Five Elements of ECYD Life
Life in ECYD revolves around living five elements that foster an adolescent’s friendship with Christ by being his apostle. These five elements are meant to be experiences of encounter through which an adolescent can forge their convictions and decisions in accordance with ECYD spirituality.
Sacramental & Prayer Life as personal encounters with Christ, their best friend. ECYD recommends different means to grow in this friendship such as morning and night prayer, reflecting on the Gospel, Sunday mass attendance etc.
Team Life is a place for the young person to learn how to live their faith in Christian community and journey together with others towards heaven.
Formation is imparted through all the elements and through regular meetings, ECYD weekend retreats, and ECYD camps and conventions.
Accompaniment is personal attention given by mentors – the team leaders and the other adult mentors involved – walking alongside the adolescent in their search to reach the fullness of their calling.
Apostolate isn’t just about doing outreach, but about being an apostle by taking advantage of every occasion to collaborate with Christ in making his Kingdom present and to give witness to their faith.

ECYD Stages
ECYD is divided into four stages for pedagogical reasons, to better respond to the needs of the adolescent at each age. The ECYD stages provide a gradual path to grow in friendship with Christ, develop a prayer life and to live virtue. Each stage has a love, virtue and symbol assigned to it.
Challenge & Conquest’s age specific programs also encourage age appropriate steps for adolescents to take in their friendship with Jesus Christ and in their prayer life.